Santa Monica
Median Age: 39
8.42 square miles; Population per square mile 10,663.8 (2010)
92,453: Total Population (July 1, 2020)
- Census April 2010: 89,736
- 51%: Female
- 16.7%: 65 years and over
- 15%: under 18 years
- 15.9%: Hispanic or Latino
- 4.4%: Black
- 2,879 (3.4%): Veterans
- 23.4%: Foreign Born
- 49%: Married Couples
- 24.6 minutes: mean travel time to work
- 28.6%: Owner-occupied
- ???: Building Permits
- ~51,046 (?): Housing Units
- 87%: Occupied
- 72%: Renter Occupied
- 79%: Multi-unit
- $1,471,900: Median value of owner-occupied housing units
- 45,487: Households
- 12.9%: Moved since previous year
- 29.2%: Language other than English spoken at home
Technology and Education
- 93.7%: Households with a computer
- 90.1%: Households with a broadband internet subscription
- 94.8%: High school graduate or higher
- 67.6%: Bachelor’s degree or higher
Income & Poverty:
- 10.4%: Persons in poverty
- $93,865: Median household income (2018 dollars)
- $77,594: Per Capita Income
- 23,153: All firms
- 7,864: Women-owned firms
- 4,669 Minority-owned firms
- 1,407: Veteran owned firms
- 12,451: Men owned firms
- ????: Total employer establishments
- ????: Total employment
- ????: Total annual payroll
- ????: Total non-employer establishments
Source: (Retrieved August 10, 2020)