Census Tract 7020.02 in Los Angeles County has an estimated population of 6,370 and a California Hard-to-Count Index of 49. Statewide, the median tract CA-HTC Index is 37. Learn more about the Index here.

Link to tract fact sheet .pdf: Click here.

The leading variables correlated with this tract’s CA-HTC Index are:
1. Non-family households
2. Multi-unit structures
3. Renter-occupied units

Census Tract 7020.02 overlaps these geographic areas:
Santa Monica (100.0) (% of tract area)
California State Assembly District(s): AD50
California State Senate District(s): SD26
U.S. Congressional District(s): CD33 
Census Region: 8  

Enumeration type (est. % of housing units)
Self Response:  100.0
   Mail contact strategy and language (if applicable): Internet First, English  
Update Leave: 0.0 

Tract characteristics

Vacant housing units (%): 9.3
Total housing units with 3 or more units in a multi-unit structure (%):  {81.3
Renter-occupied housing units (%): 73.50
Crowded housing units (%):  2.3
Non-family households (%): 67.9
Foreign-born population (%): 21.3
Adults who are not high-school graduates (%): 5.9
Population with income below 150 percent of poverty level (%): 17.8
Households receiving public assistance income (%): 2.2
Persons (ages 16 or older) unemployed (%): 8.5
Limited-English households (%): 3.5
Persons who moved from outside county in past year (%): 5.9
Population under 5 (%): 5.7
Households without broadband: Less than 20 percent
Est. population per sq. mi.: 16,291.6

U.S. Census Bureau Low Response Score: 23.8
2010 Mail Return Rate: 79.1
GEOID: 06037702002

Sources: 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-year estimates; CPUC; 2019 and 2019 Planning Database Ethnic/racial makeup in Tract 7020.02 All races are Hispanic-exclusive